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Film Reviews

Sacred Flesh

Taunted by visions of Mary Magdalene, who reveals the confessions of the younger nuns at the convent, the Mother Superior's mind is filled with the violent, sexual acts of her fellow sisters.

Freeway II: Confessions of a Trickbaby

After escaping from jail, two teens flee to Tijuana and stay with one's childhood protector, a man masquerading as a nun.


Every child comes into the world full of promise, and none more so than Chappie: he is gifted, special, a prodigy. Like any child, Chappie will come under the influence of his surroundings—some good, some bad—and he will rely on his heart and soul to find his way in the world and become his own man. But there's one thing that makes Chappie different from any one else: he is a robot.

The Little Thief

In a small town in post-World-War-II France, an unhappy sixteen-year-old (Janine Castang) tries to escape her dreary situation by any means at her disposal. Three successive friends (Michel Davenne, a married lover; Raoul, a fellow thief; Mauricette Dargelos, a photographer and fellow prisoner) help her learn from her mistakes.

Come to the Stable

1949 film from 20th Century Fox that was nominated for numerous Oscars including Loretta Young for best Actress and Celeste Holm and Elsa Lanchester for best Supporting Actress. It is a simple, reverent story of French nuns and their powerful faith as they push New Englanders toward funding a new hospital. Old-fashioned and tedious by the standards of today, it ought to be remembered if only for it's Oscar nominations (none of which earned a an Oscar).


The boy who wasn't supposed to grow up—Peter Pan—did just that, becoming a soulless corporate lawyer whose workaholism could cost him his wife and kids. But a trip to see Granny Wendy in London, where the vengeful Capt. Hook kidnaps Peter's kids and forces Peter to return to Neverland, could lead to a chance at redemption, in this family-oriented fantasy from director Steven Spielberg.

Of Parents and Children

Komedie O rodičích a dětech chce navázat na nejlepší tradice české filmové komedie. Vtipné dialogy, výjimečné herecké výkony a humor spojující diváky napříč generacemi. Příběh filmu vychází ze zdánlivě banální situace. Syn (David Novotný) jde na procházku se svým otcem (Josef Somr)... Syn je zralý čtyřicátník a žije spokojeně se svou přítelkyní. Otci je přes sedmdesát. Je bývalý vědec-biolog. Klasický intelektuál v dobrém slova smyslu. Zdánlivě jediné, co tyto dva muže spojuje, je to, že se jdou jednou za měsíc společně projít Prahou. Nicméně jsou svázáni poutem čtyřiceti let společného života. V brilantně vedeném dialogu se před námi odkrývají dějiny dvacátého století a všechny absurdity s ním spojené. Odhalují se ta nejhlubší místa lidských vztahů. Odtajňují se staré resty, trápení a radosti. Na scéně se objeví Vnuk, o kterém Syn neměl přes dvacet let ani tušení. A některé chyby se opakují znovu a znovu.

Star Trek: Insurrection

When an alien race and factions within Starfleet attempt to take over a planet that has "regenerative" properties, it falls upon Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise to defend the planet's people as well as the very ideals upon which the Federation itself was founded.

The Strawberry Statement

Simon (Bruce Davison), a student at a fictional university in San Francisco (based on San Francisco State College) is indifferent to the student protests around him, until walking in on a naked woman (Kristina Holland) in his dormitory roommate's bed. While she quickly runs over to the toilets to dress, Simon protests to his roommate that their time should only be devoted to studying, so they can get good jobs and lots of money. Coming back clothed, the woman refuses setting another date with the roommate because she'll be busy protesting. She explains the university's plan to construct a gymnasium in an African-American neighborhood, thus causing conflict with the local African American population. She tells him that she and others plan to take over one of the university's buildings.

The Million Game

A candidate in a game show is hunted by three men. He will get a Million DMark, if he survives for a week; the hunters will get the money, if they can kill the candidate. The audience of the show is watching the transmissions of twenty camera teams filming the hunt. The showmaster appeals to the TV-viewers to help either the candidate or the hunters, whomever they want.

The Unfolding

It is 2016 and a fearful world seems to be on the brink of a nuclear catastrophe. A researcher in psychical events and his girlfriend travel to deepest Dartmoor to investigate a centuries-old building. What they unlock and discover is way more than they could have ever bargained for. An exciting first feature from newcomer Eugene McGing, who expertly takes familiar tropes and gives them a fresh spin in this genuinely terrifying haunted house tale.

Zig Zag

A dying man frames himself for murder so his widow can collect the reward.

Captain Apache

An Indian discovers plans to assassinate the president when he was investigating another murder.

Death of a Man in the Balkans

Shot in only nine takes, this sharp and inventive black comedy consistently transcends its formal constraints. A lonely composer commits suicide in his apartment in Belgrade. Alarmed by the gunshots, Aca and his neighbour Vesko arrive but decide to wait for the police. Soon other characters appear – an undertaker, paramedics and, eventually, the police, who have been stuck in traffic. The whole film is presented via a webcam set up by the composer before his death, with the characters entering the ‘set’ through a single entrance. Unaware of the camera catching their unguarded behaviour, the men struggle to remember the composer’s name and admire his décor, wives come and go while the representatives of officialdom exhibit a blind indifference. Inspired by his own experience – a neighbour was found dead – director Miroslav Momčilović has produced a compelling commentary on an absurd reality.

Prime Suspect 6: The Last Witness

Detective Superintendent Jane Tennison's investigation of the murder of a Bosnian refugee leads her to one, or possibly two, Serbian war criminals determined to silence the last witness to a massacre a decade before.

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